
January 23



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Xbench is a powerful free tool for Quality Assurance and Terminology Management from ApSIC. The free version 2.9 supports dozens of different CAT file formats but is unfortunately only available for Windows XP, Vista, or 7 and is Non-Unicode.

So far we posted a lot of CAT tools and other tools to help with the daily work of a Freelance Translator or others working in the localization industry. But we were lacking a tool for Quality Assurance. Xbench is filling this gap.

Features for Terminology Management:

  • Search glossaries, translation memories and bilingual files in many different formats
  • Several search options available: Simple Search, Power Search, MS Word Wildcard Search, Search with Regular Expressions
  • Edit glossaries and bilingual files
  • and more

Features for Quality Assurance:

  • Basic checks: Untranslated Segments, Inconsistencies in Source/Target, Target same as Source
  • Content checks: Tag Mismatch, Numeric Mismatch, Double Blank, Repeated Word, etc.
  • Spell-checking (free version requires separate download of (free) additional dictionaries)
  • QA reports (in HTML, Excel, tab-delimited text or XML format)
  • and more

Available for: Windows XP, Vista, or 7

Download Xbench:

Additional Resources:

Powerpoint Presentation